The 3rd place "Bronx Bombers" baseball team may be struggling on the field this year…
But they could sure use some help in their Marketing Department as well. And so, for that matter, could the Florida Marlins, the LA Dodgers and the Atlanta Braves.
Go to any one of their websites and you'll find the most HORRIBLE violations of Copywriting Commandment #1: It All About Your Prospect, NOT You,
Let me explain…
I'm sure you familiar with those special events that teams hold throughout the season when fans get treated to fireworks, entertainment, bobble-head dolls, you name it,
So guess how these baseball teams describe these fun bonuses on their schedules…
Fantastic Fan Freebie Night? Nope, you're cold.
Gala Goodie Giveaway Game? Sorry, you’re ice cold!
Two-For-One Fan Appreciation Day? Freezing!
None of the above and not even close. They call them… drumroll…
Promotion Nights.
Ugh! Arghh! Yikes!
A promotion is a marketing technique. It is what a marketer DOES.
But that's never how they should present it to their fans.
After all, to paraphrase a great thinker, no one's ever gotten up on Saturday morning and said to his wife "Gee honey, I think we should go to a Promotion tonight".
Bottom line: When your marketing department comes up with a good idea, make sure it gets run by a copywriter who knows how to present it as beneficial to your prospects and customers.
A good marketing idea is useless if it never makes it through to the heart of your prospect.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Copywriter Needed; Apply to NY Yankees, Bronx, New York
Saturday, August 2, 2008
He'll Kill You With a Feather
Last night I was privileged to see guitar virtuoso Mark Knopfler perform in
I've been to literally hundreds of rock concerts over the past forty (yikes!) years or so (Zeppelin, McCartney, The Who, Tull, Springsteen, etc etc) and this one definitely lands in the top ten.
Most listeners probably know Knopfler as the leader of 1980's group Dire Straits and author of megahits such as "Sultans of Swing", "Money for Nothing" ("I want my MTV...") and "Walk of Life" ("Here comes johnny singing oldies, goldies Be-bop-a-lua, baby what I say...").
But you might not know that he's gone on to become a prolific film score composer and magnificent solo artist. And I use the term artist with all due respect.
One reviewer on Amazon described the "
Mark is a true master artist. Sure he can bang out a killer riff of staccato notes with anyone on the planet. But he doesn't NEED to hit you over the head like that.
He knows that subtlety is more powerful. He'll let the rhythm section do the heavy lifting. And he just drops in the occasional perfect accented note.
Understated and brilliant.
Watch as his tune opens with a quiet story, engaging the listener.
Slowly the pace augments. In the background, the snare picks up. One by one, another instrument joins in...
Violin... accordion... penny whistle… bass... more drums...
And then the release - the explosion!
Afterwards, unlike most, he'll pull it back and give you yet another tasty and brilliant quiet morsel.
Sometimes he goes on to a dramatic buildup again.
But more often than not... he's gotten you revved up... he built a crescendo... gave the release... withdraws... and then slowly teases you with an understated refrain.
You're waiting, gasping for breath... listening to every quiet note and echo...
Wondering, anticipating… will he take me to that magical place again?
Ultimately, great art, great writing, great music mirrors the waves of passion that lie within the human spirit.
And there's a reason.
They come from the same place - they ARE the essence of what it means to be human and ALIVE.