Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Airline's Useless Words: This Will Serve as a Blog Post

If airlines want more satisfied passengers, perhaps a small start would be to skip the bizarre lingo and speak like normal people...

Airline: "This will serve as the final boarding call for flight 1123 to Atlanta."
Real Human: "This is the final boarding call for flight 1123 to Atlanta."

Airline: "Be careful as luggage in the overhead compartment has a tendency to shift."
Real Human: "Be careful as luggage in the overhead compartment may have shifted."

Airline: "Please watch your step as you deplane."
Real Human: "Please watch your step as you leave the plane."

What "stupid airline trick" drives you crazy? Let's discuss in the comment section below!

Attention: This will serve as the final sentence in this post. The cabin doors have been opened and at this time you may feel free to deblog.

1 comment:

Justin Time Internet said...

Hi Charlie,

You're at 30,000 feet, a loud noise from the engines reverberates throughout the cabin. the plane lurches and Suddenly all of the oxygen masks drop from above simultaneously.

Children and sissies start to cry and over the intercom the flight attendant says, ". . .put the mask over your face and just breath normally."

Oh yeah! Normally.

Tom Justin